Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ever since I was 10 years old I got into all sorts of troubles and fights with people… no matter how hard I tried to fit in, I never could …

I was always tagged as “different”, “crazy”, “extreme”, “psychologically ill” !!!and must worse stuff … and all that was just because I didn’t think or act the same way my community did … and I eventually believed it for sometime !!! I actually thought that I am different in a bad way like everybody says…But soon I realized that I was wrong, I was different, but in a good way ! the best and right way to be different from such culture and society …

Neverthless, I got diagnosed with anxiety attacks, so it wasn't neccessarily cool to be the outcast, as I had a genuine disorder. But still, all my friends know, the other strangers don't, so i just pretend im 'cool', 'different' and 'extreme'.